Carpenter Bees

Carpenter Bees

Carpenter Bees

What are Carpenter Bees?

If you have seen black bees buzzing around the outside of your home, you are most likely seeing Carpenter Bees. Carpenter Bees can be distinguished from bumblebee bees because carpenter bees have a shiny black abdomen, whereas bumblebees have a fuzzy abdomen. Carpenters' Bees get their name because they drill holes into wood and can cause damage to your home. Carpenter bees are very common throughout the United States, some signs of carpenter bees are holes that are about 1 inch deep and sawdust near the structure being infested. Once the bees drill holes they form tunnels throughout the structure and continue to live inside the wood. 

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Are Carpenter Bees dangerous?

Only female Carpenter Bees have stingers, but generally do not sting people unless you threaten them. If stung their venom may result in an allergic reaction. Due to the damage they can cause to your property, Carpenter Bees are more dangerous to your home than they are to your body.

How can I get rid of Carpenter Bees?

Treating Carpenter Bees independently is typically unsuccessful. In order to successfully get rid of Carpenter bees all tunnels in the structure need to be treated. Getting rid of Carpenter Bees is extremely difficult and a professional should be called as soon as possible to prevent further damage to the structure. Lucky for you, here at Acton Pest Control Services we have all the tools and experience needed to get the job done right.

How do I stop future Carpenter Bee infestations?

To prevent future carpenter bee infestations, you should treat all wood outside of your home. Switching to hardwood can also prevent future infestations. 

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